Share your concerns

About Electro-pollution and 5G

Have your say ... Place an order today


1. Choose your favourite design from our gallery of original art below.

2. A new page will open displaying the range of shirts and personal accessories upon which it may be printed.

3. Click on your preferred style and colour. A preview will pop up showing this item carrying the design you chose.

4. Add it to your shopping cart and check out when you are ready.


You pay only Tee Junction's regular per unit price. Goods will be posted from their factory direct to your nominated address. EMR Aware does not add a profit margin. Delivery is free within Australia. International customers may contact us to arrange alternative shipping.

Custom designs


Would your EMR-related group like its own design to suit a specific identity or campaign? We can work with you to achieve the best possible result, and make it available on this web page. There is no charge for this service. Let's work together in support of the growing worldwide demand for safer electro-technology and regulatory standards.

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